Darunavir / ritonavir


Dose adjustment and closer monitoring may be required.

No pharmaceutical opinion available for this interaction.


Darunavir / ritonavir can inhibit the metabolism (CYP 3A4) and increase the plasma concentration of Carbamazepine.

Carbamazepine can induce the metabolism (CYP 3A4) and decrease the plasma concentration of Darunavir / ritonavir.

Darunavir / ritonavir

Pharmacodynamic effects

Probably without any clinical consequence.

See comments.


No dosage adjustment recommended.

Monitor for clinical efficacy.

Alternative solution(s)


Pharmacodynamic effects

Possible increase of adverse effects.


No a priori dosage adjustment is recommended.

Monitor for adverse effects.

Monitor drug levels and adjust the dose if necessary.

A decrease in dosage of 25 to 50% may be necessary.

See comments for further details.

Alternative solution(s)

As clinically indicated : brivaracetam, gabapentin, lacosamide, lamotrigine, levetiracetam, pregabalin, rufinamide, topiramate, vigabatrin, zonisamide.


Carbamazepine adverse effects : disorientation, ataxia, lethargy, drowsiness, nausea, vomiting, headache, diplopia, dizziness, leukopenia and hyponatremia.



Darunavir plasma level


Viral load HIV

Pharmacokinetic parameters
Reference number
# patients
200 mg
+ 45%
+ 43%
+ 54%
Darunavir / ritonavir
600/100 mg
- 1%
+ 4%
- 15%

Ref #2241: The active metabolite of carbamazepine has decreased: AUC and Cmax by 54% and Cmin by 52% .
The author concluded that carbamazepine may need to be reduced by 25-50% but no dose adjustment for DRV/r is recommended.

Ref #3570: TDM data were evaluated 11 HIV-positive patients treated concomitantly with carbamazepine or oxcarbazepine and antiretrovirals for at least 3 months. All the TDM evaluations for carbamazepine and oxcarbazepine were within therapeutic ranges. TDM results of darunavir measured in these patients were comparable to those in the control group.

Ref #1304 : Reported case of a 20-year-old patient who developed vomiting, dizziness, elevated liver enzymes, and increased carbamazepine concentration by 87% following the addition of one dose of ritonavir 200 mg. Symptoms started within 12 hours after the first dose of ritonavir. In order to obtain a concentration within the therapeutic index, the dose of carbamazepine was reduced from 750 to 280 mg QD. Several other cases of acute toxicity to carbamazepine 2 to 4 days after the addition of ritonavir have been reported. See ritonavir + carbamazepine.

Ref #2090: Another case reported of a 50 year man who developed excessive drowsiness following the introduction of lopinavir/ritonavir and it was found that his serum carbamazepine concentration had increased by 46%. His antiretroviral therapy was then changed to nelfinavir 1250 mg BID but 3 days later the same symptoms appeared with 53% increase in carbamazepine. The symptoms of carbamazepine toxicity disappeared after a carbamazepine dose reduction of 33%. See lopinavir/ritonavir + carbamazepine.

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