Atazanavir / cobicistat



No pharmaceutical opinion available for this interaction.


Atazanavir / cobicistat can inhibit the metabolism (CYP 3A4) and increase the plasma concentration of Simvastatin.

Atazanavir / cobicistat

Pharmacodynamic effects


Alternative solution(s)


Pharmacodynamic effects

Possible increased risk of HMG CoA inhibitor toxicity.


Contraindicated. Use alternative.

Alternative solution(s)

See atorvastatin, rosuvastatin and pravastatin.


Symptoms of toxicity associated with hypolipidemic agents : gastrointestinal effects, fatigue and muscular weaknesses, myalgias, muscular cramps, myopathies, rhabdomyolysis and myoglobinuria leading to renal insufficiency.


Pharmacokinetic parameters


Due to the significant first-pass effect of lovastatin and simvastatin in the liver via CYP3A4, coadministration of these drugs with PIs is contraindicated. Cases of rhabdomyolysis have been reported.

A pharmacokinetic study with simvastatin 40 mg QD and saquinavir/ritonavir 400/400 mg BID demonstrated a 30-fold increase in simvastatin AUC.
See saquinavir/ritonavir + simvastatin.

Ref #911: Case report of rhabdomyolysis within several days of ritonavir being added to regimen that included simvastatin.

Ref #3112: Another case report of rhabdomyolysis and hepatotoxicity following atorvastatin substitution by simvastatin.

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